Kansha Magazine – Brittany at Hubbards Beach
To start, Brittany is one of my all time favorite models. Period. I only have maybe 3 or 4 people I will shoot with any time they ask and she is one of them. She’s confident, powerful, commanding, beautiful and sexy. She knows how to move in front of the camera. She has a gaze that will make you freeze and melt at the same time. We’ve been published more times than I can remember. So last year, when she asked me if I wanted to do a beach shoot, my answer was “Of course!” and off we went.
We shot this set *way* back last fall. Almost exactly a year ago. Of course, once a set of images has been accepted for publication, we can’t share them until the magazine drops. In this case it took a lot longer than I hoped. But it was worth it.
Kansha Magazine is an incredible glamour and glamour nude magazine. Most often, it is the quality that Playboy was in it’s heyday. There are amazing photographers and models from all over the world featured in Kansha and when they accepted our submission, I was over the moon! I just couldn’t say anything about it. LOL!
Well, the magazine finally dropped late yesterday and now I can share. We share space in this magazine with some amazing photographers. Michael Pope (@poesisthegreatest on IG) and Luis Perez (@luisperezcorrea) among them. Models included in this publication include the incredible Daniella Guitierrez (@danielagutierrez011 has almost 900K followers on IG) graces the cover of this months issue. So it’s safe to say we are among some pretty fine company in this magazine. Am I excited? Hells yes!! 🙂
We decided that there was too much seaweed at Crystal Crescent and also far too many people, so we hit the road for a tiny but beautiful beach called Hubbards Beach instead. It was late, so we only had about an hour until sunset, but we had some of the most amazing natural light I have ever seen and it created almost a surreal look to our shoot. Brittany invited her photographer friend, Laura Johnson, along to assist us as she’s just starting out and wanted to work with me to see how I do things. I’m always happy to share my knowledge, although I think some days, it’s pretty limited. My wife gets mad at me when I say stuff like that, but it’s true. I’ve been at this for almost 30 years and still need a shot of self confidence from time to time. 😉
Anyway, we set out to take advantage of the incredible sunset and over the course of about 45 minutes before the sun faded completely away, we somehow managed to create nearly 40 awesome shots. These, of course, were whittled down to only about half that for the submission and we ended up with an amazing six page spread in the latest issue. You can purchase a print or digital copy for yourself right here too!
Here are the selections that made it into the print magazine as well as a few of our favorites, that didn’t. Hope you enjoy the set!