Kansha Magazine Cover with Katia

Published by Mike McCarthy on

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It’s been 2 years this month since we left our studio space downtown. We do miss it. Just not the lack of parking or loading zones. 😉

But we especially miss days like this when we had the incomparable Katia join us for a marathon afternoon shoot that has now resulted in at least three separate publications, including the latest – and my personal favorite! –  which landed us on the cover of this month’s Kansha Magazine!

Katia is always a pleasure to photograph. From our very first test shoot to our most recent beach shoot – that’s coming up in a new publication early next month, so wait until you see that one! – every session has resulted in spectacular images and yet another publication.

In this case, since we were leaving our home of many years and looking at exploring new options for a studio, we decided to explore some lesser used spaces around the building that housed the studio. After all, it was Sunday and no one else was in the building. 😉

We started on the main stair case on our way to some of the storage areas upstairs and decided to go for a little voyeuristic feel by shooting from through the railing upstairs while looking down as Katia relaxing on the stairs below. The result is the image you will find on the cover of Kansha Magazine.

We also took advantage of the empty and dimly lit storage areas for the rest of the set, which you can check out right here. Hope you like this new set!

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